* Required Field
Billing Account Holder Name *
Billing Account Number *
Street Number
Zip Code
Day Time Phone No *
Email Address *
The City of Houston Code of Ordinance, Section 47 allows customers to apply for various type of high-water bill reliefs. Please choose from the selection below to provide you with the most applicable water adjustment to your account.
Is your high bill due to private leak YES NO
If yes, have you repaired the leak YES NO
Leak Repair Date *
JPG, GIF or PNG only. Max of 4MB. If your image is bigger than the sizes above please resize and upload. For text only .doc, .docx, and .pdf files accepted.
Please send documentation of the repair date, address, type of repair, and cost. Acceptable documents include plumber’s statement/bill, a receipt for parts or a signed written statement
High bill date *
If you have no water leak repair, Houston Public Works will review your water account for most beneficial water bill adjustment.
Unusually Large Bill (ULB) Sec. 47-75, allows a single-family residential customer to receive one water/wastewater credit adjustment for one month during a 12 month period. The credit allowed is for unexplained usage over 200% of the average water consumption. Application must be received within six months of the high bill date.
Exceptional Circumstance Adjustment (ECA) Sec. 47-75.1, allows a residential, not for profit or commercial customer to receive one water/wastewater credit adjustment for up to two bills within a 24 month period. A credit is allowed if the water usage is unexplained and over 200% percent of the average consumption. The credit may not exceed $10,000. Application must be received within six months of high bill date.
Leak Adjustment (LKA) Sec. 47-74 allows any customer to receive water/wastewater credit adjustment for up to three consecutive months within a 12 month period due to loss of water through an excusable defect in the customer’s water line. 100 % credit is given for the water charge applied to usage in excess of the average consumption if repair is made within 30 days, 75% if repair made within 60 days and, 50% if repair is made after 60 days, from leak start date or the leak notification date. Application must be received within six months of the repair date.